Home > Woodwork Blog > Designing Your Perfect Custom Bathroom Cabinets: Things to Consider

Custom bathroom cabinets

If you are renovating your bathroom or just thinking about a remodel, one of the most important decisions you can make is what type of bathroom cabinets and vanity you will install. Bathroom cabinets are essential to the function of every bathroom. Cabinetry can make or break your bathroom when it comes to everyday function as well as aesthetics. Some homeowners choose to match the cabinetry in the bathroom to the kitchen, but others choose to allow the bathroom to make its own unique statement.

Bathrooms are generally much smaller rooms than kitchens, and every square inch of space counts. That’s why you should consider investing in custom bathroom cabinets that will give you everything you want and need. Custom bathroom cabinets can come in many different shapes, sizes and colours. It can be easy to get overwhelmed by your choices. Turning to someone who is experienced in designing and crafting custom bathroom cabinets can help.

Here are some of the things you will want to consider and discuss with your cabinet maker:

  • Placement in the room: It is hard to overestimate the importance of placement. A renovation is the perfect time to think about whether the layout of the bathroom really works. There will never be a better time to change it than now.
  • Needed storage: Different people store different things in the bathroom. Some want storage space for towels while some keep it simple and just need some basic storage.
  • Dimensions: Consider width, height and depth. Everything needs to be accessible and functional. If you have kids, you may want a lower height. If your bathroom is small, you don’t want to overpower the room with cabinets.
  • Materials used: Any material used in the bathroom must be able to stand up to the humidity and heavy use.

A final consideration for your custom bathroom cabinets is, of course, budget. It is important to discuss your budget with your cabinet maker before settling on a design.